2024 Photo Gallery

John Volanthen presentation John Volanthen presentation John Volanthen presentation John Volanthen presentation Tetbury WI Group Meeting Tetbury WI Group Meeting Tetbury WI Group Meeting Group Competition Group Competition Winner Individual Competition Individual Competition Floral Display for the Group Meeting

A lovely meeting with the other two WIs in our group – Avening and Kemble & Ewen. The evening began with a fantastic speaker John Volanthen, who was a lead diver in the successful but very difficult rescue of the Thai youth football team who got trapped in Tham Luang caves in 2018. John’s presentation was very inspirational and moving. Our groups also enjoyed a light supper and the usual inter-WI competitions with Avening being very successful in both the individual competition and the group competition.

Wine Tasting Wine Tasting Wine Tasting Wine Tasting Wine Tasting Wine Tasting Wine Tasting

Sunni hosted the first our her Wine Appreciation evenings. This time the theme was Chardonnay and it was interesting to find that there is a lot of variation in the different Chardonnays. Overall we agreed that we did not like the Australian or Chilean Chardonnays we tasted as these were fermented in oak barrels and the oak influence was not generally liked. Sunni then gave us a German Chardonnay to try which was well received and we were surprised as none of us had heard of German Chardonnay. Our final wine was a Chablis – also a surprise as none of us realised that Chablis was in fact a Chardonnay! A great fun evening. Look our for more Wine Appreciation events later in the year on 26th July, 4th October and 15th November.

Nick King from Goats of the Gorge

Our speaker this month, Nick King from Goats of the Gorge, was extremely entertaining with his story of how he gave up a career in the police force to start his own business making cosmetic products from goats milk; even owning and milking his own goats at one time! Nick’s business has been so successful, his sons have joined him on his journey and they have even appeared on Dragons Den.

Letter of thanks from TTC

Letter of thanks from TTC following our contribution to the 80th Anniversary D-Day Celebrations.

D Day stall D Day stall Land Girl kniiting Our President - the Land Girl WI with HOTS and Town Crier Land girl on D Day stall  War Rations

Tetbury WI celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-Day with a stall demonstrating the small amount of basic rations allowed for each person for a week. Cakes were made for people to sample and were made following war time recipes – which involved using little or no eggs or butter! Even so, the cakes were very well received and were served by our very own WI ‘land girls’! Love the outfits ladies!

Ladies at Westonbirt

Another trip to Westonbirt with our ladies appreciating the good weather and beautiful rhododendrons.

Ladies at Westonbirt Admiring the rhododendrons at Westonbirt Measuring the tree circumference! Ladies in the bluebells

Some of our ladies made the most of the lovely weather with a walk around Westonbirt Arboretum.

Ladies doing Tai Chi Ladies doing Tai Chi Tai Chi Instructor

We had a large turnout for a gentle Introduction to Tai Chi with Jaki Hood, a local Tai Chi instructor.

Sunday Lunch Sunday Lunch

The first of our Sunday Lunches was at the Trouble House. The lunching ladies enjoyed superb food and a lovely chat.

Quiz team Quiz team

At the beginning of March, four of our ladies represented Tetbury WI in the Gloucestershire WI Quiz Tournament. They came a very respectable 4th out of 12 teams – well done ladies.

Ladies at Lunch at The Close Hotel Lady at Lunch at The Close Hotel Lady at Lunch at The Close Hotel Ladies at Lunch at The Close Hotel Ladies at Lunch at The Close Hotel Ladies at Lunch at the Close Hotel Lunches at The Close Hotel

Some of our ladies enjoyed the first of our lunches for 2024, which was a delicious meal at The Close Hotel.

William Reddaway William Reddaway and Strider at Exeter Cathedral

Pictures by kind permission of Mr William Reddaway.

Our February speaker was William Reddaway who came to give us an informative and very entertaining talk about his travels with his horse Strider. Mr Reddaway and Strider travelled to the four corners of the country covering 2700 miles and visiting 30 cathedrals along the way, where Strider was often invited in and blessed. Mr Reddaway has, to date, raised nearly £100K for two charities – the Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre and the Family Holiday Charity.