Our President, Linda Sheen, presenting a cheque for £500 to Anton Wynn from the Cirencester and Tetbury Food Bank
Our stall at the Tetbury Christmas Fayre which raised £500 for the Cirencester and Tetbury Food Bank
Craft items including lavender bags and pin cushions made by our lades to sell at the Christmas Fayre
Remembrance Day
Donations for the Cirencester and Tetbury Food Bank collected at just one WI meeting
Rowen Tree planted in St Mary’s Churchyard to commemorate Her Majesty the Queen and as part of her Green Canopy
It was great to meet some of the new members and welcome them to Tetbury WI
Celebrating her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee at our June Meeting
Supper at The Old Ship in May 2022
Plaque in place on the Green Canopy Tree we planted at Tetbury Library
Platinum Jubilee Tree planting at Tetbury Library 1st April 2022
Just a few photos from our Valentines Day evening meeting